Prospective Families


If you are wishing to register your child to attend Holy Trinity School for the 2025-2026 school year, please see information below and complete and submit the appropriate application form below.  An information meeting for new parents applying to send their child to Holy Trinity is scheduled for Thursday January 9th, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the school. 

The meeting will be approximately 45 minutes. 

What to do first:

Please submit your COMPLETED applications to the school office (through the window mailslot to the right of the main doors), in order for your child to be put onto the waitlist for Kindergarten or Gr. 1 - Gr. 7.  Applications can also be sent via email to, but the application fee will need to be dropped off as per above. Etransfer is not currently available. We will contact you when we receive your application.

What happens next:

If there is space available for Kindergarten or Grades 1–7 we will enrol  families in the following order, based on the CISVA policy for admissions.  

Meetings with the Principal will only happen should a space open up in a particular grade and we have an application on file for your child. This is the second step in registration.

After the meeting, a registration package may be given to you to complete and return before your child can be enrolled at Holy Trinity School.

Please note that we will hold applications for the full school year should a space open up at a later date.

Please check our website for future updates or, if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the school secretary at  (604)

Thank you very much for your interest in Holy Trinity Elementary School.

Application Form 2025-2026.pdf
Application Form 2025-2026 INTL.pdf
Pastors Authorization Form 2025-2026.pdf