Basketball Practices 2025 - attached
We will try to keep the practices consistent during this time, but changes will have to be made to adjust for games, school and coaches schedule. Please check the school website each Friday afternoon. Please see the current week's practice schedule below and the Games Schedule- attached at the bottom of the page. The Grade 7 Tournament Schedules are also attached.
The basketball game schedule is subject to change so check back often.
"VS" games are played at home in the HT gym. "@" games are played away in the hosting school's gym.
"BOYS & GIRLS" = boys play first, girls play second. "GIRLS & BOYS" = girls play first, boys play second.
Please See the attached 2025 Bball GAME SCHEDULE below
The basketball game schedule is subject to change if teams have to cancel, so please check back periodically.
"VS" games are played at home in the HT gym. "@" games are played away in the hosting school's gym.
Most games are "double headers" with the girl's team playing first, followed by the boys. St. Anthony does not have grade 5 boys or girls teams in the league.
Students need to leave HT for away games by 2:45 unless otherwise specified ahead of the game. If there are two games being played, girls and boys, the team playing second does not need to leave before the 3:00 bell. Generally girls play first.
Grade 5 Boys - Mr. Smith,
Grade 5 Girls - Mrs. Krohman
Grade 6 Boys - Mr. Pehkonen/Mr. Smith
Grade 6 Girls - Ms. Buhler - Mr. Beazer, Mr. Rintoul, Mr. Walsh
Grade 7 Boys - Mrs. Cutler/Mrs. Simmons
Grade 7 Girls - Ms. Botteselle