
Basketball Practices  2025 - attached

We will try to keep the practices consistent during this time, but  changes will have to be made to adjust for games, school and coaches schedule. Please check the school website each Friday afternoon.  Please see the current week's practice schedule below and the Games Schedule-  attached at the bottom of the page.  The Grade 7 Tournament Schedules are also attached.


Please See the attached 2025 Bball GAME SCHEDULE below


Grade 5 Boys - Mr. Smith, 

Grade 5 Girls - Mrs. Krohman

Grade 6 Boys - Mr. Pehkonen/Mr. Smith  

Grade 6 Girls - Ms. Buhler  - Mr. Beazer, Mr. Rintoul, Mr. Walsh

Grade 7 Boys - Mrs. Cutler/Mrs. Simmons

 Grade 7 Girls - Ms. Botteselle

Game schedule.docx
Basketball Practices2
Holy Trinity Gr. 7 Girls tournament.pdf
North Shore Classic -Boys Tournament.pdf